In this process, the feet are first cleaned with warm water, followed by the application of a medicated ghee and foot massage using a special bowl (kansya – a bronze alloy).
Padabhyanga is Effective for:

Pacifying vata dosha

Enhancing memory

Improves the eyesight,

helps to remove the burning sensation in the feet and eyes etc

In Ayurveda ‘Padabhyanga’ or ‘foot massage’ is considered the mother of all therapies. It is your feet that connect the being in you, to the earth that you belong to. … ‘Pada’ in Sanskrit means ‘foot’, and ‘Abhyanga’ – means use of herbal oils. Padabhyanga is a holistic therapy and religious approach and part of traditional Ayurvedic treatment. It is your feet that connect the being in you, to the earth that you belong to. It is believed that our body and soul are connected and embodied in our feet. ‘Pada’ or ‘foot’ has been given most importance in Indian customs, tradition and medicine. In fact, in Ayurveda, ‘Pada’ is considered as an important motor organ (Karmendriya).

Our feet are more than just an essential part of our body. Ayurvedic texts explain that human body is in the form of inverted trees, wherein, roots lie at the top (head), the branches (upper and lower limbs), are all attached to the trunk (body), directed downwards. Just as the trees are nurtured at their roots but fruits are obtained in their branches, the human body too if taken good care, we obtain its fruits in the branches (hands and legs). Hence, while enjoying the fruits in the form of daily activities that we do with our hands and limbs, it is also essential to take good care of them.

  • Foot massage can be done at any time of the day and on daily basis too.
  • It is more effective when done in late evenings or at bed time.
  • Foot massage or ‘Padabhyanga’ also form part of ‘Sarva-Abhyanga’ (whole body oil massage)
  • Foot massage should not be done when you have fever, cold, toxin induced coma, lymphatic or blood infections, thrombosis, indigestion, abnormal skin conditions, circulatory disorders of lower limbs, and during acute trauma to foot.